  • Wenjiang Ding

    Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of the Hydrogen Science Center at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Director of the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Hydrogen Science, President of the Shanghai Hydrogen Science and Technology Research Association, and Director of the National Engineering Research Center for Light Alloy Precision Forming. An internationally renowned expert in magnesium hydride materials, adhering to the research philosophy of "excellence in materials, materials to be processed, processed materials to be made into devices, and devices to be practical," he has successively developed the world's best-performing and lightest magnesium-rare earth alloys. Five of these alloys are included in national standards, and two have entered international standards, achieving a breakthrough in the application of magnesium alloy main load-bearing structural components and playing an irreplaceable role in the development of China's new generation of "great national instruments." "Maximize the potential of materials and proceed smoothly," Academician Wenjiang Ding fully utilizes the active "disadvantages" and excellent biocompatibility "advantages" of magnesium, ushering in a new era of degradable magnesium human implant devices. He was the first to break through the mass production technology of magnesium-based solid-state hydrogen storage materials internationally, and has made breakthroughs in application technologies in the fields of energy, medicine, agriculture, metallurgy, and chemical industry, allowing magnesium hydride materials to shine in aerospace, energy, medical, agricultural, and other fields, enabling China to occupy the international discourse power in magnesium hydride materials. He has trained more than 300 outstanding graduate students who have gone on to the frontline of national construction.

    Research Direction

    Metal Materials and Its Processing

    Scientific Research Achievements

    He has been awarded the titles of "National University Huang Danian-style Teacher Team," "National Advanced Worker," "National Excellent Science and Technology Worker," "Shanghai Model Worker," "He Liang He Li Science and Technology Progress Award," "Shanghai Science and Technology Hero," and "Most Beautiful Science and Technology Worker." His research achievements have been honored with the National Technology Invention First Prize, National Defense Science and Technology Invention First Prize, National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize, National Technology Invention Second Prize, and National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize.


    Published more than 600 papers in SCI/EI indexed journals, applied for more than 200 invention patents. Research achievements have been awarded the National Technology Invention First Prize, National Defense Science and Technology Invention First Prize, National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize, National Technology Invention Second Prize, and National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize.