  • Yongming Zhang

    Yongming Zhang, Representative of the 12th and 13th National People's Congress, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Fluorinated Functional Membrane Materials, Distinguished Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Doctoral Supervisor, Taishan Scholar, Shanghai Leading Talent.

    Research Direction

    Hydrogen fuel cell membrane and MEA, fluorine-containing functional materials.

    Scientific Research Achievements

    More than 100 invention patents have been authorized, more than 100 SCI papers have been published, 3 National Standards for ion-exchange membranes have been drafted, and the research results have overcome major problems in the localization of chlor-alkali ion-exchange membranes in China. Remarkable research results have been obtained in the field of hydrogen fuel cell materials.


    National Technological Invention Second Prize,Scientific and Technological Progress Award for Achievement Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation,China Patent Gold Award,First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation,Shandong Technological Invention First Prize,China Film Industry 20 Years Meritorious Person Award,National Model Worker.