Jiesheng ChenProfile
Jie-Sheng Chen is currently a professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2008 ~ present). He received his BSc (1983) and MSc (1986) degrees from Sun Yat-sen University and PhD degree (1989) from Jilin University. After a short work experience as a lecturer at Jilin University from 1989 to 1990, he moved to the Royal Institution of Great Britain in London as a postdoctor. In 1994, he returned to Jilin University and was promoted to a full professor later on. His research interest is focused on the interfacial interactions of material components and the electrochemical and catalytic performances of solid materials.
Research DirectionSynthesis, chemical-physical properties and possible applications of advanced solid materials, especially in catalysis and energy conversion.
Scientific Research AchievementsMore than 300 papers have been published and cited more than 10000 times; more than 32 patents have been applied. His research awards include: First prize of Science and Technology award, Shanghai, China; First prize of Science and Technology award, Education Ministry of China; Second prize of National Natural Science Award; Second prize of Chinese University Natural Science Award.
Honors/Awards2015 First prize of Science and Technology award, Shanghai, China;
2011 First prize of Science and Technology award, Education Ministry of China;
2006 Second prize of National Natural Science Award;
2000 Second prize of Chinese University Natural Science Award.